Mike Carmine
Phantom Flex 4K
Copyright 2017
4K Acquisition is here and the Phantom Flex 4k will ensure longevity of your high speed images.
The Phantom Flex 4K can read over 10 million pixels (over 12 gigabytes of data) per second. At this rate a 2-terabyte hard drive could be filled in under 3 minutes. There does not exist any permanent, portable storage that can record at these speeds; that is why the Phantom must use volatile RAM of 64GB in the camera buffer. Then you off-load the data from the camera RAM to a CineMag for Cine Raw files or to a ProRes recorder for compressed 4K ProRes 422 HQ.
Recording to the CineMag is the fastest workflow on set with the least disruption to the production day. You only need to wait a few seconds to transfer each shot to the CineMag. Recording to an off-board recorder in 4K 4:2:2HQ takes 3-5 minutes per shot but you leave at the end of the day with your footage. The CineRaw files have to be transcoded though Glue Tools with a CineStation to see an image. You will not get your footage until the next day, similar to film dailies like in the past.
The quality is much greater from CineRaw and if you want to push the footage in post there is no problem. No one has ever regretted the extra cost of CineRaw in post. You can save $1500.00 per day if you do not shoot CineRaw and shoot 4K ProRes HQ to an external deck. But you will pay that amount and more in Post-Production to change your creative choices later. CineRaw is required for compositing images.
Carmine Productions uses and owns the Flex 4K for Branded Content, Fashion Films, Television Series and Feature Films.
Some popular Phantom Flex 4K Resolutions
4096 x 2160 = 1000fps
4096 x 1808 = 1200fps
4096 x 1440 = 1500fps
1TB Cinemag can hold 65 real time 2 second shots